Google Cloud Announces Managed Continuous Delivery Service


Google today announced Google Cloud Deploy, a managed, opinion-based, continuous delivery service that makes continuous delivery to GKE easier, faster, and more reliable.

Deploying container image artifacts to different environments remains a daunting task for many, and there are no agreed best practices yet.

“Google CloudDeploy is the result of discussions with more than 50 customers to better understand the challenges faced in continuous delivery to GKE. Three themes, from cloud-native to traditional business, are consistent. It has emerged: cost of ownership, security and auditing, and integration, “says Victor Szalvay, Product Manager at Google Cloud. Blog post.

The operational costs of continuous delivery for Kubernetes are high, and identifying the best and repeatable practices is resource-intensive and time-consuming from the core business. As a result, Google Cloud Deploy eliminates the scaling and maintenance responsibilities typically associated with self-managed continuous delivery solutions. It also provides a structure with declaratively defined pipelines and targets.

When it comes to security, Google Cloud Deploy uses individual resource access controls and execution-level security to enable fine-grained restrictions. Users can also take advantage of flow management features such as release promotions, rollbacks, and approvals.

Cloud Audit Logs audits user-invoked Google Cloud Deploy activity and centrally recognizes who promoted a particular release or updated the delivery pipeline.

For integration, Google Cloud Deploy also employs the GKE delivery tools ecosystem in three ways. Pub / Sub notifications that allow you to connect to your CI system, support key configuration (rendering) tools, and integrate with third parties.

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